Westfield Sub Aqua & Marine Insurance Services Ltd

14 Lambourne Drive, Bagshot,

Surrey, GU19 5BY

Call from UK  01483 237827

    abroad +44 1483 237827


The SAA choose us for our Insurance expertise!

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Get In Touch:

Telephone:-  01483 237827

Fax:-             01483 234856


Email: -         nick@divinginsuranceuk.com


Facebook:     www.facebook.com/divinginsuranceuk

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Office Hours:


Monday to Friday:

9.00am to 5.00pm



Sunday/Bank Holidays:


Westfield Sub Aqua & Marine Insurance Services Ltd

is registered as a limited company

in England No. 450587.

Registered Office: 14 Lambourne Drive, Bagshot,

Surrey, GU19 5BY


Authorised & Regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.

Westfield Sub Aqua & Marine Insurance Services Ltd

is registered as a limited company in England No. 450587.

Registered Office: 14 Lambourne Drive, Bagshot, Surrey, GU19 5BY

Peace of mind that we've got you covered.

You never know what lays ahead...


Insuring sport divers since 1972

01483 237827